Thursday, August 16, 2007

Running Dynamips - Dynagen on USB Stick

Few people asked about running dynamips/dynagen from USB without installation. The problem was winpcap. I found a tool from wireshark website that allows you to run wireshark/windump from USB without installing!
I check how it works. The only thing needed are two dll files: packet.dll and wpcap.dll.

I think I got a working solution:

1. Install dynagen on a pc
2. Copy \Program Files\Dynamips to the USB.
3. Copy the dll from the attached files to the dynamips directory on the USB. HERE
4. Enjoy...

I tested it with the new capturing feature and it worked

Few notes:
1. Remember that the .net files are not a associated with dynagen.exe, so you will have to run it from the command line
2. Put the workingdir configuration in yours .net file
2. I copied putty.exe to the usb and pointed dynagen.ini to putty.
3. Use relative directories when referring to files inside the .net files (image, working dir, conf....)
4. What good will capture do if you can't watch the capture? Search for windump.exe. It is just like tcpdump.

Credit - danshtr @

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